Every operation carried out to obtain a good final product to store in glass jars, is done following strict procedures set by the HACCP manual. Environments are well equipped and hygienically controlled by continuous analysis on surfaces and tools. Finished products are constantly tested through rigorous analysis.

produzione mostarde
produzione mostarde
produzione mostarde

The Mostarda is well-known in Mantua and neighbouring provinces but in recent years it has won admirers also on the rest of the country.
We are also engaged, with great satisfaction, to make it known abroad and given the growing appreciation our range of products now reaches several foreign countries both in Europe and overseas.
We are always available to care about the suggestions and comments coming from our customers and we try to meet the demands of supplies with specific personalization.

Mostarde Mantovane
confezionamento mostarde
confettura extra
confetture extra
confezione regalo composte